(Peppermint Narwhal Creations, 2015)
1. Asiatic Black Bear
Asiatic Black Bear (Hush, 2015)
The Asiatic Black Bear, also known as the Moon Bear, is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN Red List (n.d.), with their numbers decreasing. This is largely due to deforestation and removal from the wild for pets or Traditional Chinese Medicine, including the bear bile trade. They make a very unusual clicking sound; a trait potentially exclusive to Asiatic black bears.
2. Sun Bear
Sun Bear (Hush, 2015)
Sun bears are the smallest species of bear, and are also listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN Red List (n.d.). Their main threats are poaching and removal from the wild for use as tourist attractions, along with the loss of habitat and poaching. They are also popular in the pet trade due to their small size and sometimes puppy dog-like personalities, but they are still wild bears capable of inflicting severe damage.
3. Sloth Bear
Sloth Bear (Bears of the World, n.d.)
Like the sun bear and Asiatic black bear, the population of the sloth bear is also Vulnerable (IUCN Red List, n.d.). Habitat loss is a largely contributing factor to their declining numbers, however they are often hunted for trophies or for use in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
4. Giant Panda
Giant Panda (WWF, n.d.)
Giant pandas are the only species of bear in Asia who are listed as Endangered, with their numbers falling below 2,00 in the wild (IUCN Red List, n.d.). They're native to China, and are known for their love of bamboo! Their biggest threat is habitat loss, and with their slow reproductive cycle, the species may end up reliant on captive bears to ensure genetic diversity and the survival of the species.
Bears of the World n.d., Sloth Bear [Photograph], viewed 23 May 2015,
Hush, L 2015, Asiatic Black Bear [Photograph], In possession of: The author: Hush.
Hush, L 2015, Sun Bear [Photograph], In possession of: The author: Hush.
Peppermint Narwhal Creations 2015, Know Your Bears [Photograph], viewed 20 May 2015,
IUCN Red List n.d., Ailuropoda melanoleuca, viewed 23 May 2015,
IUCN Red List n.d., Helarctos malayanus, viewed 23 May 2015,
IUCN Red List n.d., Melursus ursinus, viewed 23 May 2015,
IUCN Red List n.d., Ursus thibetanus, viewed 23 May 2015,
WWF n.d., Giant Panda [Photograph], viewed 23 May 2015,
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